Popular Games

The serpent obstacle in Getting Over It takes center stage in the game’s third stage and is hard to miss with a prominent warning sign hanging ominously above your head. He strongly advises against embarking on this strange and long journey, and for good reason, since this serpentine element poses a unique and particularly troublesome problem.

What awaits you? An unexpected twist in your gameplay

If Diogenes, that is, you, by accident or design, decide to take this treacherous path, the consequences shall be nothing short of catastrophic. An unforgiving and sudden punishment awaits you: you will be forcibly thrown back to the very beginning in Getting Over It.

The sinister appeal of this winding obstacle lies in the complete lack of stopping points. This means that even the smallest step or swing of a hammer may potentially turn into a failure, erasing all your hard-earned progress as you won’t be able to catch yourself without falling. However, remember that your skill in fine maneuvering and meticulous precision can go a long way. the slippery slope without falling victim to its cunning traps.

Be cunning and attentive

So, the serpent, which is located very close to the end of the game, is perhaps the saddest and most terrifying element in Getting Over It. It poses a double threat: it may bring you back to square one and put you on the brink of failure.

One false step can indeed transform into a devastating setback, serving as a stark and merciless reminder that this climb demands not only skill but also an extraordinary degree of caution and unwavering attention to the minutest details.

The path of the serpent stands as a formidable and unyielding instructor, consistently underscoring the significance of vigilance as you attempt to conquer these eccentric challenges.